Welcome to 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Science

Welcome to Mrs. Gibson's 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Science

Welcome to 6th, 7th, 8th grade Elevate Science by Savvas. Elevate Science engages students with real-world tasks, open-ended investigations, and the engineering/design process. 6th grade will study Earth Science . 7th grade will study Physical Science. 8th grade will study Life Science.  Students will have a write in textbook and an ebook that works with the write in textbook.  Students will complete a Quest Project for many units. Students will work both independently and cooperatively in a variety of activities. Groups will switch after each unit.  

All students will need to bring their fully charged Chromebook and textbook to class everyday. They should also have pens and pencils, a folder, and paper.  6th grade students and new students may purchase eye protection and a lab apron, but they are not necessary as both are available in the science room.

Assignments will be both online and in the write in textbook.  All work will be posted on Google Classroom.  If you are absent, check Classroom for what you missed.

Students will keep all of their supplies and textbooks in their lockers until they come to class.  While students are assigned a homeroom teacher, they will not be with the teacher for the whole day, therefore, materials should not be left in the classroom. Students will not be able to interupt other classes to get materials they leave elsewhere.

Besides group work practices, we will also practice the PACED rules.  If you think about successful athletes, they practice staying paced in order to achieve their goals.  The way we live in our classroom will help ensure everyone is successful and PACED.  What does PACED mean?

(Punctual, Attentive, Cooperative, Enthusiastic, Dependable)

Staying paced opens doors and builds positive character traits.  They will be necessary as you develop team skills and complete performanced-based assessments.  Whether you are researching, discussing, or problem-solving, staying paced will help you engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate real world topics.