Good afternoon. Please checkout the District's new website. Also, please download the new St. George app.
3 days ago, Jay Smith
Check it out...Our new app is live! Download the app today! Be sure to enable notifications to receive all updates.
5 days ago, Rhonda Stegall
SG258  Thrillshare App
Fee Day is August 1st from 11 AM - 7 PM. Please enter through the Athletic Entrance.
9 days ago, Rhonda Stegall
Fee Day 2024
CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Angie Cooper!! Illinois State Board of Education: Big shout out to the 2024 Those Who Excel awardees in the Educational Service Personnel category. Thank you for all that you do! See the full list of awardees:
4 months ago, Rhonda Stegall
Mrs. Cooper Teacher of the Year